Flowers Kingcups (or marsh marigolds), Caltha palustris, grow wild alongside streams and in shallow water around ponds, forming loose clumps of kidneyshaped leaves, each up to 810cm across In late spring and early summer, large, shiny golden flowers like giant, waxy buttercups appear These are attractive to a wide range of pollinatorsUnlike garden forgetmenots, which tend to be biennial, water forgetmenot, Myosotis scorpioides , is reliably perennial and gradually expands, without being invasive, into large clumps that benefit from division every few years It has various slightly different forms depending on whether it grows below or above the water lineIf you fancy reading the 2 bigger fics leading up to this you can find Part 1 here and Part 2 here Water Forget Me Not Myosotis Scorpioides Plants Candide Gardening Myosotis scorpioides seeds for sale